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TMS320C54x Programming

A good resource to start with is the ECE 320 webpage.

You will first need to have the Code Composer software, the TI libraries and drives, and an assembly complier installed onto the computers in the ECE 345 lab. Some of the computers may already have them installed. Computers installed with Code Composer does not necessarily mean that there is an assembly complier also installed, be sure that you have both if you are planning on programming the TMS320C54x. If you don't need to compile assembly language then Code Composer will serve your purposes.

As an introduction to the hardware of the TI, We recommend that you first go through Lab 0 of the ECE 320. That will give you a good understanding of using and programming the TI Microprocessor.

To program your TMS320C54x
Here we assume that you have The TI correctly connected and wired, the assembly compiler, and Code Compuser correctly installed with all the needed drivers.

1. Assemble your Assembly code
  • start up MS Dos Command line prompt by going to "Start -> Progrms -> Accesories -> Command Prompt."
  • navigate to the folder that has you assembly code by using "cd", "cd ..", and "dir".
  • then assemble your code by typing, "asm [filename]" Note that the file name does not have .asm extension.
  • an .out file will then be outputed for you.
2. Start up Code Compuser in one of two ways...
  • On the desktop, double-click the icon labeled, "CCS Complie C5000 1.20"
  • Start => Programs => Code Composer Studio Compile 'C5000 => CCStudio
3. Reset the Board.
  • Debug => Reset
4. Initialize the processor mode status register (PMST)
  • View => CPU Registers => CPU Register
  • Find the PMST register in the "Edit Register" window that opens. Set it to "FFEO" by double clicking on PMST.
5. Load your assembly code
  • File => Load Program
  • Then search for the .out file that you had created with your assembly compiler.
6. Reset your TI DSP board once again
  • Debug => Reset
The TI DSP board should now be loaded with your program and your code running.
This document created by: This page created by: CJ Oster and Joe Ngai

Last Modified: April 25, 2003
Please contact Professor Gary Swenson (swenson1@uiuc.edu) to learn more about the course, or contact the webmaster (wiegert@uiuc.edu) with questions or comments about the web site.  Web Site designed by Purvesh Thakker.