
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
51 Triangle Sign Deployer Car
Harry Shi
Yuanfeng Niu
Douglas Yu design_document1.pdf
Triangle Sign Deployer Car

Team members:
Yuanfeng Niu(yn6)
Yue Shi(yueshi6)
Chaoyang Yin(cyin9)

When a traffic emergency occurs, it is of utmost importance to take all measures to warn the oncoming traffic of its existence. One such measure involves placing a warning sign 50~200m away from the emergency site, per the traffic laws in many countries. But walking against the incoming traffic is an extremely risky act, especially at times of high volume.

It is thus safer to carry out this sign-placing task with a remotely controlled carrier, possibly a repurposed toy car. It is cheaper to manufacture and less power-hungry than drones, can traverse terrain faster than humans, and is easy to store in automobiles.
We intend to develop a small electric car that holds the aforementioned warning sign and can travel enough distance(30-100m depending on local regulations) and place the sign at the designated place.

Solution Components:
Subsystem#1: Control Unit
This subsystem serves as the vehicle's central command, utilizing a processor to run algorithms, interpret user and sensor inputs, and control motor actions. It incorporates a state machine to ensure that the vehicle responds appropriately to commands and environmental conditions, avoiding unnecessary movements. This setup ensures precise and reliable operation, managing all aspects of vehicle movement and functionality efficiently.

Subsystem#2: Car frame, battery & instruments
Our system should have the features of a small, four-wheeled electric vehicle. Using the PWM method from ECE110 to control the wheels should suffice. A battery will be attached somewhere inside the car frame, serving as the power supply to the entire circuitry. Voltage regulators will be added to deliver power to respective components.
To fulfill the task of wireless communication and auto navigation, corresponding Bluetooth modules and sensors/cameras should be mounted on board. The vehicle also needs a bright indicator light on its body to warn vehicles coming from behind about an emergency ahead.

Subsystem#3: Bluetooth Communication
Typical remote controls at ~30-100m distances require wifi or Bluetooth band signals. Alternative protocols can be considered, but in this instance, this is the most extensively developed type of wireless comm.
Controlling the unmanned vehicle over long distances requires solving image transmission problems. In addition to receiving controls, it should send status info and camera feed fluently at target distances.

Subsystem#4: Auto Navigation
When operating on highways with clear lane markings, the vehicle utilizes input from onboard cameras and distance sensors to identify and follow a secure trajectory within the present lane, aiming to arrive at the designated sign installation location.

If there should be a disruption in Bluetooth communication, the vehicle will depend on this subsystem as an alternative strategy to revert to a secure state.

The vehicle requires a remote-controlled angle closed-loop control system, enabling it to automatically adjust its course and maintain its trajectory in the predetermined direction.

Subsystem#5: Mechanicals
Driving with the sign facing front will experience significant wind resistance, such that it might stop the car from moving, perhaps even pushing it back. To minimize the impact of wind on our system, we decided to initially mount the sign facing up and use a lever to rotate it to face front once it reached its destination.
Simultaneously, structural support would be set up to prevent uncertain weather conditions(rain/wind) from displacing it. We have yet to decide whether it is more practical to apply brakes to wheels or have additional retractable props. We will go with the solution that has better performance in actual trials, or that is preferred by the machine shop.

Software Subsystem#6: Phone App Controller
In circumstances where automated navigation may not successfully complete its task, such as poorly marked lanes and snow-covered pavements, or where manual remote control provides a greater sense of assurance, this subsystem becomes critical. It represents the most practical and universally applicable user interface option, as an independent controller for the unmanned vehicle implies extra cost and storage.
The app should contain all the necessary control buttons (move forward/backward, turn left/right, raise/retract sign). Additionally, integrating a live camera feed from the unmanned vehicle will further enhance the user experience by allowing for real-time monitoring and precise maneuvering of the unmanned vehicle, ensuring both safety and accuracy in its operations.
Development of this system should be a minor focus of this project, as it is mostly coding work and has little to do with circuit design.

Criterion for Success:
The car can travel up to 100 meters from the user.

The phone controller can deliver instructions within the operational range and maintain a consistent camera feed.

After receiving the instruction from the user or the Auto-Navigation System, The car must automatically raise the sign and deploy props.

The Auto-Navigation System can operate correctly when traffic conditions are not complex and road markings are clear. It should also be able to handle the situation of connection loss.

Electronic Replacement for COVID-19 Building Monitors @ UIUC

Patrick McBrayer, Zewen Rao, Yijie Zhang

Featured Project

Team Members: Patrick McBrayer, Yijie Zhang, Zewen Rao

Problem Statement:

Students who volunteer to monitor buildings at UIUC are at increased risk of contracting COVID-19 itself, and passing it on to others before they are aware of the infection. Due to this, I propose a project that would create a technological solution to this issue using physical 2-factor authentication through the “airlock” style doorways we have at ECEB and across campus.

Solution Overview:

As we do not have access to the backend of the Safer Illinois application, or the ability to use campus buildings as a workspace for our project, we will be designing a proof of concept 2FA system for UIUC building access. Our solution would be composed of two main subsystems, one that allows initial entry into the “airlock” portion of the building using a scannable QR code, and the other that detects the number of people that entered the space, to determine whether or not the user will be granted access to the interior of the building.

Solution Components:

Subsystem #1: Initial Detection of Building Access

- QR/barcode scanner capable of reading the code presented by the user, that tells the system whether that person has been granted or denied building access. (An example of this type of sensor: (

- QR code generator using C++/Python to support the QR code scanner.

- Microcontroller to receive the information from the QR code reader and decode the information, then decide whether to unlock the door, or keep it shut. (The microcontroller would also need an internal timer, as we plan on encoding a lifespan into the QR code, therefore making them unusable after 4 days).

- LED Light to indicate to the user whether or not access was granted.

- Electronic locking mechanism to open both sets of doors.

Subsystem #2: Airlock Authentication of a Single User

- 2 aligned sensors ( one tx and other is rx) on the bottom of the door that counts the number of people crossing a certain line. (possibly considering two sets of these, so the person could not jump over, or move under the sensors. Most likely having the second set around the middle of the door frame.

- Microcontroller to decode the information provided by the door sensors, and then determine the number of people who have entered the space. Based on this information we can either grant or deny access to the interior building.

- LED Light to indicate to the user if they have been granted access.

- Possibly a speaker at this stage as well, to tell the user the reason they have not been granted access, and letting them know the

incident has been reported if they attempted to let someone into the building.

Criterion of Success:

- Our system generates valid QR codes that can be read by our scanner, and the data encoded such as lifespan of the code and building access is transmitted to the microcontroller.

- Our 2FA detection of multiple entries into the space works across a wide range of users. This includes users bound to wheelchairs, and a wide range of heights and body sizes.